The Ascension E.P.

The Ascension E.P

Seven songs, for the seven chakras, seven songs for the seven seas, seven songs for the seven seals!

From the bottom to the top, from the root to the crown, from the inner, to the outer, from sea to sky, from birth, to death, and beyond.

The Ascension! A symphonic, shamanic journey of Seven.

A Rock and Roll Resurrection!

“The Power of Seven. Seven signifies plentitude, the universal and perfection. Seven has direct bearing on the spiritual and evolutionary plane; it is magical, revelatory, and possesses divine wisdom. The symbol of spiritual connection, evolution, refinement, spirituality and deep knowledge. The seven year planetary rhythms have been a given for millions of years, well before humanity existed, and this seven comes through everything that followed.

The number seven as a vibration of birth carries as its mission working towards achieving inner perfection. A mission to reveal the truths deciphered along one’s search for knowledge…”

Post-debut, alerted, awakened, alone and on fire for more answers, the young Virago begins her own self-directed Jedi training, and disappears into the depths of her own inner inquiry, immersing herself in her own direct experience of the mystery of Waking Life…

After a long and deep dive, Virago breaches the surface to break nearly 5 years of recorded silence since the cosmic birthing experience of the debut album Incunabulum. Equipped with a deep catalogue of songs stalled-out on other, more elaborate album works still unfinished, a creative bottleneck of a unique vintage had developed. In the meantime, in Space and Time, another musical time-stamp was needed; a placeholder, a watchtower, a recalibration of the original artistic philosophy. And so, seven songs were selected that were not envisioned on any other pre-existing album ideas she had in development. An “E.P.” emerged, her version of one, anyway. Emphasizing simplicity, a musical mini-opus materialized into an elemental, sonic short-story, encapsulating long-form esoteric content contained within ascendent parameters. Seven singular songs, born originally and individually, but acting synchronistically in destiny as seven sacred seals that come together as one wave of vibratory folk-prophecy. Materializing into matter from spirit, then ascending again, there, and back again, in the transmuted energy dance of Mother Earth and Father sky. An Extended Play (E.P.) in Eternity, the Ascension E.P…

The album was recorded in indie lo-fi in all-live takes, with percussion elements also added live by Virago, over three days of Death and Resurrection, on the Holy Easter of 2015 A.D.

Enjoy, echoes in Eternity…

Love Always,


The Ears of Eternity
Love in the Time of the Earth
Daughter of the Stars
The Ascension
Farewell to Shadowlands
Orbiting Orion

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