Together with all nations we protect both land and life, and hold the world in balance…
There is some comfort in the knowledge that Hopi prophecy does not tell us that the world will collapse tomorrow. But it does warn us that the way we spend our time will affect things that are of great consequence. If we are wise, we will accept the responsilbilty of doing what is necessary to influence the outcome and be prepared…
For these astounding revelations will stand on their own, and once they are recieved by anyone who is open to them, they will validate themselves. The innocent acceptance of this fact is a far more eloquent and powerful testimony than any other form of persuasion.
The secret revealed in this Prophetic Art shows us how we can influence the worlds course by making right choices and changing our pattern of life.
For it is together with all nations that we protect both land and life, and hold the world in balance…
The Hopi Survival Kit is the first full revelation of traditional Hopi prophecy. Many of its predictions have already been realized, but the most shattering apocalyptic events are still to occur. And though this may be a sobering realization, it is also our best defense. For the Hopi teachings give detailed instructions for survival—our actions can alter the pace and intensity of what will happen and help avoid a cataclysmic end.